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What is 4 Color Process?

The 4 color process, also known as CMYK printing (from the four ink colors used), is a method of reproducing a wide range of colors using just four inks: Cyan (C) Magenta (M) Yellow (Y) Black (K) These inks are layered on top of each other in tiny dots to create the final image. By varying the concentration of each ink at each point, a vast spectrum of colors can be achieved. It's kind of like how pointillism works in painting, but with minuscule ink dots instead of visible brushstrokes. Here are some key points about 4 color process printing: Versatility: It's the most common way to produce full-color prints because it can create a large range of colors for photographs, illustrations, and graphic designs. Cost-effective: For larger print runs, it's cheaper than using separate ink colors for each specific shade. Limited by inks: While it can produce a vast range of colors, it can't replicate every sin"

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